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Some people get married in nice small church- but Not Sean and Sam - this is the Brompton wedding registry in London's East End. How spectacular is it ?? A couple of people have suggested that it looks just like Canterbury Cathedral.
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Alex is trying to explain to Simon why a beautiful girl like Mette would talk to him. Simon's not buying it. No siree Bob. Anyway - we've just arrived at the registry office and every body else (whose cabs got there 15 minutes faster for reasons I don't understand) has gone to the pub. Mette's dress is so freaking cool.
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At this point stuff just got weird. We, Sean and Sam, Michelle and I, were sitting there minding our own business when the building was stormed by the paparazzi !! Michelle, whose used to being followed by the cameras, thought it was funny. Steven, right in the middle of the picture - he didn't think it was funny and in this shot he's about to take out that gray haired dude with the really long tie... In the back ground Alex is still trying to convince Simon... |
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This is one of the very few shots where I managed to get Sammy's mum to show her face. Just like Vassily Zaitsev*, I had to camp out for 3 nights to get this shot. This is a nice shot actually - Lana (Sam's mum), Sam, Sean and Peter (Sam's dad). Sean is holding Sam protectively - which is really sweet - but it does make me wonder what Peter is saying...
*The possibly fictional Russian sniper in the way cool film - Enemy at the Gates - thus suggesting that I am stealthy and good with things that shoot. Vassily is played by Jude Law who is about as Russian as something not at all even resembling Russian (his accent is Public School English Git). Bob Hoskins played Stalin like he was born to the role. Recommended viewing.
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The big moment is drawing nearer - Sean and Sammy are off to be secreted away so that we can all be surprised when they walk into the "Chapel" or "Registry Ceremony Room" or what ever it's formerly called. Sean has topped up again and is now back on his game. Good work Seano. In case anyone was wondering if the little flower bits are really made of gold - they're not - or else I would have stolen them to fiance a mad caper I am planning... I shouldn't have said that....
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Nick knew this photo was being taken !!! Anyway- this is friends side of the ceremony. I should have been sitting front and centre... but yet again - I'm taking the photo. Mette is looking wistfully at where Alex was not more than 5 seconds ago - they are such a cute couple. Sharing the front row are: Simon and Jane, [me and] Michelle and Mette [and Alex]. Next row: Anna and Jason and Marcus (he put a jacket on because he was almost beaten up for wearing that shirt in the pub next door) and Sara is nowhere to be seen. Last row: Carol and Brendan, some guy and Josie and Nick. Irresponsibly missing from this shot are Narelle and Sara. Actually Narelle may be hiding behind Jason. Not sure.
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This is the Clan Krafft side of the room. It's only a small clan and as a result one that has been remarkably unsuccessful during times of Clan feuds - until Peter came along and became town brewer - now the Krafft's are everyone's friend.
We have: Lana and Peter, Ann and Steven the Elder, June and Alan (the best looking guy with a 'stash in the room aside from Peter) and Steven the Younger.
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There was music playing I'm almost sure... seconds away from the shortest wedding ceremony in history... In the foreground is Alex - he's always in the right place at the right time - this time it's the back of his head. I resent Alex - he has too much hair. Everyone says so. Check the smile on the Sean and Sammy's faces. Kewl.
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This is the Celebrant. Hello Mrs Celebrant. She spoke for a really long time. Her introduction was longer than the ceremony - that's funny.
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This is Sean and Sam listening to the kind words of Mrs Celebrant. To indicate just how closely Sean was listening I've taken a photo of his ear.
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Frankly, I was worried about the look on Sam's face at this stage. But she later explained to me that Sean must have been stung by a wasp or something because his fingers were so fat that the ring barely fitted but that morning he'd had womanly slender fingers !!. Sara's smiling because Sean's fingers are so fat. Sara is a witness and so is Alex. Alex learned to stand like that when he was a cadet at St Patrick's. Isn't it funny when these things come back to you. Check Alan in the background - consideration or what - he's coverin' up the 'stash so he doesn't steal the shot. Respect.
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Can anyone guess what Sean and Sam do for jobs ? I'll give you three guesses and just to save time, don't waste a guess saying Sean is a finger model. This was just after the register had been signed - but Mrs Celebrant is explaining that they are going to have to pose for some shots or else the paparazzi are going to go nuts.
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Alex - sensing a photo opportunity - leapt forward to explain exactly how posing worked - see how he's correcting Sean's posture and hand position ? That's the mark of true friendship. So that was pretty much it - next stop - the reception at Champor Champor in Western Street, Borough, London. (A bit of free advertising there because, seriously, the place rocks).
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